Life moves pretty fast. If you can’t track your pizza, you might miss it.

To remind people about Domino's Tracker, the original way to keep track of your pizza order as it’s baked, boxed, and sent out for delivery, we put a modern day spin on "Ferris Bueller's Day Off."

This time, instead of racing to beat his family and principal home, our hero—Joe Keery of "Stranger Things"—races his Domino's delivery to his front door. Other than updating our hero, we matched the original film’s color and grain, and meticulously recreated shot for shot. We even included a fun cameo of Ferris’s friend Cameron, who is apparently, according to our new logic, new Ferris’s dad. Weird.


Home for Pizza

March 2017

Home For Pizza Longform

Check out the shot-for-shot comparison!

Home for Pizza

Life Moves Fast

Home for Pizza

Life Moves Fast

Well before COVID Zoom watch parties were even a thing, we streamed Ferris Bueller’s Day Off live on Facebook for free. The one-night event took place on National Movie Night, June 11th, which also coincidentally happened to be the same exact date the iconic film was released 31 years earlier. We encouraged people to share pizza and a movie with friends near and far by offering a Domino’s discount that increased as the viewer count increased. We also leveraged our IFTTT partnership to encourage people to “automagically” get ready for the event.




If This Then Domino's